2 Fat Ladies 88

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  1. Bingo 2 Fat Ladies 88
  2. Clarissa Dickson Wright
  3. 2 Fat Ladies Cooking
  4. Bingo 2 Fat Ladies 88
  5. Two Fat Ladies 88 Birthday Card

The Body Fat Calculator can be used to estimate your total body fat based on specific measurements. Use the 'Metric Units' tab if you are more comfortable with the International System of Units (SI). To get the best results, measure to the nearest 1/4 inch (0.5 cm). This calculation is based on the U.S. Navy method, but also includes the calculation of body fat percentage using the BMI method (both of which are outlined below).


2 Fat Ladies 88

Body Fat: 15.7%

Body Fat (U.S. Navy Method)15.7%
Body Fat CategoryFitness
Body Fat Mass11.0 kgs
Lean Body Mass59.0 kgs
Ideal Body Fat for Given Age
(Jackson & Pollard)
Body Fat to Lose to Reach Ideal3.6 kgs
Body Fat (BMI method)16.1%

Fat lady and a little wee - Stop and run - Corner shot 82. Fat lady with a duck - Straight on through 83. Fat lady with a flea - Time for tea - Ethel's Ear 84. Staying alive 86. Between the sticks 87. Fat lady with a crutch - Torquay in Devon 88. Two fat ladies - Wobbly wobbly - All the eights 89. Nearly there - All but.

RelatedBMI Calculator Calorie Calculator Ideal Weight Calculator


Body Fat Ranges1

Recommended amount20-25%8-14%
Adults in United States, average22-25%15-19%

The American Council on Exercise Body Fat Categorization

Essential fat10-13%2-5%

Jackson & Pollard Ideal Body Fat Percentages


Body Fat, Overweight, and Obesity

The scientific term for body fat is 'adipose tissue.' Adipose tissue serves a number of important functions. Its primary purpose is to store lipids from which the body creates energy. In addition, it secretes a number of important hormones, and provides the body with some cushioning as well as insulation.1

Body fat includes essential body fat and storage body fat. Essential body fat is a base level of fat that is found in most parts of the body. It is necessary fat that maintains life and reproductive functions. The amount of essential fat differs between men and women, and is typically around 2-5% in men, and 10-13% in women. The healthy range of body fat for men is typically defined as 8-19%, while the healthy range for women is 21-33%. While having excess body fat can have many detrimental effects on a person's health, insufficient body fat can have negative health effects of its own, and maintaining a body fat percentage below, or even at the essential body fat percentage range is a topic that should be discussed with a medical professional.

Storage fat is fat that accumulates in adipose tissue, be it subcutaneous fat (deep under the dermis and wrapped around vital organs) or visceral fat (fat located inside the abdominal cavity, between organs), and references to body fat typically refer to this type of fat. While some storage fat is ideal, excess amounts of storage fat can have serious negative health implications.

Excess body fat leads to the condition of being overweight and eventually to obesity given that insufficient measures are taken to curb increasing body fat. Note that being overweight does not necessarily indicate an excess of body fat. A person's body weight is comprised of multiple factors including (but not limited to) body fat, muscle, bone density, and water content. Thus, highly muscular people are often classified as overweight.

The rate at which body fat accumulates is different from person to person and is dependent on many factors including genetic factors as well as behavioral factors such as lack of exercise and excessive food intake. Due to varying factors, it can be more difficult for certain people to reduce body fat stored in the abdominal region. However, managing diet and exercise has been shown to reduce stored fat. Note that both women and men store body fat differently and that this can change over time. After the age of 40 (or after menopause in some cases for women), reduced sexual hormones can lead to excess body fat around the stomach in men, or around the buttocks and thighs of women.

Potential Complications of Excess Body Fat

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies obesity as one of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide that is estimated to claim 111,909 to 365,000 deaths per year in the U.S.1 This has been a growing cause for concern because 36.5% of U.S. adults are defined as obese according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.2

Obesity is associated with a reduction in quality of life, poorer mental health outcomes, obstructive sleep apnea, as well as multiple leading causes of death worldwide such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, certain cancers and diabetes.2 All of these potential complications have the ability to reduce a person's life expectancy, and as such, obesity is a medical condition that is studied by many researchers.

As previously mentioned, fat produces a number of essential hormones that affect a person's body. An excess or a lack of critical hormones can have negative effects that preclude proper body function. On a related note, studies have found that excess body fat, particularly abdominal fat, disrupts the normal balance and function of some of these hormones. Furthermore, body fat, specifically visceral fat, has a role in the release of specific cytokines, which are a broad category of proteins involved in cell signaling, that can potentially increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Visceral fat is also directly associated with higher levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and insulin resistance.3 LDL cholesterol is commonly referred to as 'bad cholesterol' while HDL is referred to as 'good cholesterol.' High levels of LDL cholesterol can clog arteries and lead to complications including heart attacks. Insulin resistance involves cells not properly responding to the hormone insulin, which can lead to high blood sugar levels, and eventually to type 2 diabetes.1 As can be seen, excess visceral fat can have measurable negative impacts to a person's health.

Measuring Body Fat Percentage

There are many specific techniques used for measuring body fat. The calculator above uses a method involving equations developed at the Naval Health Research Center by Hodgdon and Beckett in 1984. The method for measuring the relevant body parts as well as the specific equations used are provided below:

  • Measure the circumference of the subject's waist at a horizontal level around the navel for men, and at the level with the smallest width for women. Ensure that the subject does not pull their stomach inwards to obtain accurate measurements.
  • Measure the circumference of the subject's neck starting below the larynx, with the tape sloping downward to the front. The subject should avoid flaring their neck outwards.
  • For women only: Measure the circumference of the subject's hips at the largest horizontal measure.

Once these measurements are obtained, use the following formulas to calculate an estimate of body fat. Two equations are provided, one using the U.S. customary system (USC) which uses inches, and the other using the International System of Units, specifically the unit of centimeters:

Body fat percentage (BFP) formula for males:

USC Units:
BFP = 86.010×log10(abdomen-neck) - 70.041×log10(height) + 36.76
SI, Metric Units:
1.0324 - 0.19077×log10(waist-neck) ) + 0.15456×log10(height)
- 450

Body fat percentage (BFP) formula for females:

USC Units:
BFP = 163.205×log10(waist+hip-neck) - 97.684×(log10(height)) + 36.76
SI, Metric Units:
1.29579 - 0.35004×log10(waist+hip-neck) + 0.22100×log10(height)
- 450

Note that results of these calculations are only an estimate since they are based on many different assumptions to make them as applicable to as many people as possible. For more accurate measurements of body fat, the use of instruments such as bioelectric impedance analysis or hydrostatic density testing is necessary.

Fat mass (FM) formula:

FM = BF × Weight

Lean Mass (LM) formula:

LM = Weight - FM

BMI Method:

Another method for calculating an estimate of body fat percentage uses BMI. Refer to the BMI Calculator to obtain an estimate of BMI for use with the BMI method, as well as further detail on how BMI is calculated, its implications, and its limitations. Briefly, the estimation of BMI involves the use of formulas that require the measurement of a person's height and weight. Given BMI, the following formulas can be used to estimate a person's body fat percentage.

Body fat percentage (BFP) formula for adult males:

BFP = 1.20 × BMI + 0.23 × Age - 16.2

Body fat percentage (BFP) formula for adult females:

BFP = 1.20 × BMI + 0.23 × Age - 5.4

Body fat percentage (BFP) formula for boys:

BFP = 1.51 × BMI - 0.70 × Age - 2.2

Body fat percentage (BFP) formula for girls:

BFP = 1.51 × BMI - 0.70 × Age + 1.4

  1. Wikipedia.org
  2. 'Overweight & Obesity.' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/index.html
  3. 'Abdominal fat and what to do about it.' Harvard Health Publishing: Harvard Medical School. www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/abdominal-fat-and-what-to-do-about-it

The iconic show Two Fat Ladies introduced British cooking to international audiences when it first aired in the late 1990s. The unlikely hit featured two heavyset, aging ladies who delighted viewers with their disdain for healthy food and their politically incorrect banter. The BBC sensation caught on across the pond where it aired on The Food Network, securing the beloved show's legacy all over the world. While fans will be familiar with the on-screen antics of Clarissa Dickson Wright and Jennifer Paterson, their off-screen personalities were even more fascinating.

Dickson Wright's childhood was troubled

Coming from a privileged, but troubled, childhood had a huge impact on Dickson Wright. Her father, a surgeon, was an alcoholic whose temper would sometimes lead to violence. 'I don't love him, no,' she told The Guardian. 'There was nothing there to love — there was no emotional link. I didn't have conversations with him, we merely exchanged knowledge.'

'I had to get past the violence and the drunkenness and abuse before I could see that I had various things to be thankful for,' she said.

Dickson Wright had a hot temper

Dickson Wright was known for being fierce both on screen and off. Patricia Llewellyn, producer of Two Fat Ladies, spoke about Dickson Wright's temper after her death. 'We called her 'Krakatoa' because if you didn't notice the rumbling you could find yourself in trouble,' she said. 'She was a force of nature.' Her attitude paired well with Paterson, who was also known for being a strong presence.

Paterson was once expelled from boarding school

Like her co-star, Paterson came from a privileged background. Something of a troublemaker in her childhood, she was once expelled from school for being 'disruptive.' According to Paterson, the nuns at her Catholic boarding school 'had to expel me in the end. They claimed it was the only way to get the rest of the school to settle down.'

Her feisty attitude would continue into adulthood. After her death, BBC broadcast chief executive Will Wyatt said, 'Jennifer was a life force on the side of all things that were politically incorrect.'

Dickson Wright was a legal prodigy before turning to cooking

Dickson Wright didn't enter the cooking scene until later in life. Her first career was in law, and at the age of 21 she became the youngest woman ever to be called to the Bar. It was her father's refusal to pay for his daughter's education that spurred Dickson Wright. 'I hated my father so much: he wouldn't pay for me to go to university and then do bar exams; so I did six years' work in three,' she told Church Times. 'Yes, I was clever and determined. He would only pay for me to study medicine. Think how many people I would have killed.'

Dickson Wright was an alcoholic

Like her father, Dickson Wright battled alcoholism. Her heavy drinking forced her to abandon her law career and also led her to squander the millions she inherited from her parents. While she eventually sought treatment and remained sober in her later years, the damage caused by her drinking was irreparable. A gin and tonic aficionado, the quinine in the tonic water permanently damaged Dickson Wright's adrenal gland which caused her to struggle with her weight.

They hated vegetarians

Dickson Wright and Paterson were vehemently opposed to a vegetarian lifestyle. 'Vegetarians are fascists,' said Dickson Wright. 'I'd fight to the death for their right to be vegetarian, but they won't return the compliment. I hate fascism in any guise.'

Paterson claimed that a vegetarian diet leads to malnutrition. 'Why are [vegetarians] always so cross?,' she said. 'It's because they eat the wrong things. They look terrible; they're usually of a yellow colour. You go to a health shop and they all look so depressed. They need cheering up, poor dears.'

Paterson was also horrified at the increasing number of vegetarians as she grew older, comparing them to Nazis. 'There were few around in my young days,' she said, 'and those we did come across we considered to be German spies. After all, Hitler was a veggie.'

They were notoriously opposed to political correctness

Paterson and Dickson Wright were infamous for saying whatever came across their minds. Political correctness had no place on their show. When asked if she objected to being called fat in the show's title, Dickson Wright said 'If you're fat you're fat. I hate this modern-day political correctness, that you don't call things by their proper name.'

Dickson Wright was new to cooking when the show first aired

Before becoming the star of Two Fat Ladies, Dickson Wright had no training in the kitchen. While she did work in the food business, her experience was limited to running cookbook stores and running her catering business. It wasn't until she teamed up with Paterson, a seasoned chef with significantly more experience, that Dickson Wright learned to cook. She said that before then, she had never had so much as a single cooking lesson.

Paterson was self-taught

While Paterson was the more experienced of the pair, she was self-taught. Even more interesting is the fact that neither of her parents knew how to cook — according to Paterson, 'her father couldn't boil a kettle.' But Paterson didn't let this stop her. She believed that cooking was a talent and to learn how to use it. 'All you need is a deep interest in your subject,' she said.

Paterson certainly had a deep interest. 'I was always hovering about the kitchen, bothering cook and making horrible little pies,' she said. She nurtured her talent for cooking and later become a private cook and a food columnist

The pair got along from the beginning

The now iconic duo seemed like old friends when the first episode aired, but in reality they barely knew each other. They were brought together by producer Pat Llewellyn who met Jennifer Paterson at a lunch party and conceived the idea for Two Fat Ladies after seeing her drive off on a motorbike. Llewellyn brought Paterson and Dickson Wright together and the rest is history.

'I think they thought we'd fight,' Dickson Wright later said. 'Aren't two opinionated women the Chinese symbol for war? But we got on like a house on fire, and I think the sheer anarchy of that was why the series was so successful.'

But they may not have liked each other

Bingo 2 Fat Ladies 88

Despite Dickson Wright's claims that she and Paterson were fast friends, rumors swirled that the pair actually hated each other. According to Ian Scott, a PR executive who knew both women, they were 'not friends.' He claimed that during filming, the women would have to be booked into different hotels because they hated each other so much. 'Jennifer in particular couldn't stand Clarissa and was often quite horrible about her,' he said. 'She'd call her 'that dreadful woman.'

Scott said that most of the animosity was from Paterson's end and that she had a cruel side. 'They clashed, simple as that,' he said. 'They were both such strong characters: loud, clever. I think it was clear that Clarissa was intellectually Jennifer's superior.'

They used to get death threats

Dickson Wright and Paterson may have starred on a beloved show, but many people were not thrilled with their bluntness. After Paterson's death, Dickson Wright was left to face the vitriol of their critics alone. Dickson Wright remembered one person yelling 'One dead Fat Lady, one to go.'

Clarissa Dickson Wright

'It was the most awful thing because it wasn't long after Jennifer died,' she said. 'I usually pay no attention to the bloody antis because they are so awful, but I thought that was plain vicious. Clearly they are sick people.'

2 Fat Ladies Cooking

Dickson Wright made it clear that, in spite of a growing number of death threats, she could protect herself. 'I once had two people attempt to mug me and they both ended up in intensive care,' she said. 'I can handle myself. The reason one doesn't retaliate is that one doesn't want to stoop to their level.'

Bingo 2 Fat Ladies 88

They were parodied in an SNL sketch

Two Fat Ladies 88 Birthday Card

The show became so well known that it was even memorialized in a Saturday Night Live sketch in 1999. Brendan Fraser played Paterson and Darrell Hammond portrayed Dickson Wright. The sketch parodied the ladies' distaste for healthy foods, showing them 'improving' healthy meals by adding pork rinds, butter, and mayonnaise to salad.

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