Bingo Company
All employees on site will be wearing face masks throughout the duration of the event.

Bionano Genomics provides unparalleled structural variation detection for genetic disease research, cancer research & cytogenomics with genome imaging technology. Lancaster Bingo Company is a distributor of charitable gaming supplies, including pull tabs, jar tickets, bingo paper, daubers and merchandise. Javascript is disabled on your browser. To view this site, you must enable JavaScript or upgrade to a JavaScript-capable browser.
All employees will be wearing gloves while operating any equipment/machinery.
Employees will wipe down all equipment/machinery after each use.
Hand sanitation stations will be available for guests to use before and after interacting with any product.
Bingo Company
Floor tape will be used to ensure guests are kept at an appropriate distance while interacting with any product.

Sanitation spray will be used intermitently throughout the course of the event.
Dividers are available to keep attendees spaced appropriately.
No touch is required to operate this product.
Bingo Supply Store Near Me
UV light will be used to sanitize virtual reality equipment after each use.
Bingo Company Arvada
Disposable eye masks will be available for guests to use while wearing virtual reality goggles.